Trade With Nigeria (TN)

Expats looking to do business in Nigeria, and especially those who have never done business on the African continent before, will certainly have to prepare themselves for some unique challenges.
Although great strides have been made within the corporate world in Nigeria – one of the most oil-rich countries in the world and Africa's largest economy – the country still suffers from massive corruption and a debilitating lack of infrastructure; two factors that can make doing business difficult, to say the least.
However, expats should remember that a tremendous amount of business does get done in Nigeria, and jaded or pessimistic views about the country are not always well deserved.
Nevertheless, doing business in Nigeria is challenging, as illustrated by numerous international business surveys. Most notably, Nigeria ranked 146th (out of 190 countries) in the World Bank's 2019 Ease of Doing Business Survey. This marked a solid improvement from its previous ranking of 169th and the country performed well for factors such as ease of getting credit (12th) and protecting minority investors (32nd), but it continues to rank extremely poorly for factors such as getting electricity (171st), registering property (184th) and trading across borders (182nd).

Fast facts
Business language
In a country that claims many different ethnic groups and dialects, English has emerged as the de facto language of business in Nigeria

Gender equality
Nigeria remains a patriarchal society, with traditional roles for men and women largely adhered to. However, there are plenty of opportunities for women and many women can be found in senior positions within both the corporate and political sphere.

Business culture in Nigeria
Business culture in Nigeria is subject to a number of variable forces; over 250 different ethnic groups co-exist in the country and many foreign-owned multinationals have operations there. Business etiquette, therefore, demands that expats remain flexible and willing to improvise.
Since it is vital to cement a working business relationship with associates, be prepared to be patient and to wait for this trust to develop before diving into the nuts and bolts of business discussions. For this reason, business meetings in Nigeria are very social occasions, providing the framework for the creation of solid interpersonal connections.

Management style
The management style typically found in Nigeria is extremely hierarchical. The boss – invariably male, and almost always of an older generation – will expect and will receive respect from all those working beneath him, and will never be publicly criticised. However, this does not necessarily mean that all decisions are made from the top down; business relationships are extremely important in Nigeria and, often, compromises can be reached.
Nigerian business leaders tend to lead strongly, giving their employees instructions that are expected to be followed closely. Teamwork and the ability to work together toward clearly defined goals are considered more valuable assets in the Nigerian workplace than independent thinking or individualistic efforts.

Attitude to foreigners
Nigerians are famously friendly and hospitable people who take a genuine interest in the lives and experiences of foreigners. If one makes an effort to get to know the locals, this friendliness will be repaid tenfold.


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